Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Free, one-quart bags at Colorado Springs Airport

Air travelers at Colorado Springs Airport who forget to store liquids in one-quart, zip-top bags will be given a helping hand this holiday season as officials with the Transportation Security Administration pass out those one-quart bags for free.
Local airport staff received a donation of thousands of clear, one-quart, zip-top bags from Pactiv Corp., maker of the Hefty brand, to give to passengers for free. TSA officials will have free bags available through the entire holiday travel season, said Brian Tool, TSA spokesman in Colorado Springs.
Pactiv Corp has donated more than a million Hefty, one-quart bags to airport all over the nation, according to a Pactiv Corp. press release.
The bags are necessary because this Thanksgiving is the first major travel holiday since the security restrictions on liquids were imposed in August, and many people have not traveled since, Tool said. All liquids carried in carry-on luggage must be stored in three-ounce bottles and stored in a single one-quart, clear, zip-top bag. Only one bag is allowed per customer.

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