Morrison encourages seniors considering Medicare Advantage plans to weigh all their options. More than two dozen companies offer more than 30 plans. Here are a few tips.
- Don't sign any enrollment form in the first meeting with an agent. Take time and talk to someone from the Division of Insurance's Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program, 1-888-696-7213.
- Know what you're getting -- some plans provide medical coverage only, others include the Medicare Part D prescription program.
- Check with your doctors and hospital to find out if they take the plan you want.
- Understand how billing differs -- once a consumer buys a Medicare Advantage plan, Medicare is no longer billed for services and Medicare Supplement no longer pays for claims.
- Enrollment or disenrollment into a Medicare Advantage plan with prescription drug coverage is limited to January through March every year.
- Enrollment or disenrollment from the program with no prescription plan coverage can happen any time of the year but consumers with prescription coverage from another source may lose that coverage.