Thursday, August 21, 2008

Survey: Coloradans support domestic oil development

Coloradans are concerned about the price of gasoline, and the majority support increasing the nation's supply of oil and natural gas resources, according to a survey commissioned by API.

The July telephone poll of 501 registered Colorado voters showed 67 percent somewhat or strongly support increased access to domestic oil and natural gas resources; 20 percent said they oppose increased access. And 95 percent said they are somewhat or very concerned about the price of gasoline.

"Despite these numbers and the recent wave of public support, Congress remains in the way of creating a comprehensive energy policy with all options on the table, including development of domestic resources, more conservation and energy efficiency," said Stan Dempsey, president of the Colorado Petroleum Association. "Now is the time for Congress to ease restrictions on non-park, non-wilderness federal lands out West and lift the ban on offshore drilling."

For the complete survey, go to

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